Important: This is an information only website. To attend events, you must register throught the event provider’s own site.
We take no responsibility for the accuracy of the listings. Please refer to the event host’s platform for event details.
Welcome to the Data & Tech community calendar.
The calendar has been devised as a central resource to help people find data and tech community events in the North East of Scotland, primarily Aberdeen.
How it works
To work successful, the calendar requires community participations. Please help by:
- Sharing and promoting the calendar
- Letting us know about events by using the ‘Submit Event’ button
Keeping information current
The calendar does not automatically update if event details change. Please let us know if changes are required to the event details.
As stated above, please always check the event details on the event hosts platform.
About the calendar
Please note that this calendar has been designed for the community and therefore only community related events should be submitted for approval.
This calendar is being run on a non-commercial basis therefore please be patient if you submit a request as it may take a short while for us to respond.
The calendar is sponsored by Pauline Cairns, Surya Ramesh, and Scott Petrie. As active community members we will also add events we personally discover. If you are running an event and do not wish it to be listed in the calendar then please contact us at and we will endeavour to remove it as soon as possible.
Embed calendar
If you would like to embed this calendar into your own website then please use the following code:
<div data-tockify-component="mini" data-tockify-calendar="aberdeentechdata"></div>
<script data-cfasync="false" data-tockify-script="embed" src=""></script>